Donate Life Indiana

Leave the legacy of life

Join more than 4.2 million Hoosiers who have registered to become organ and tissue donors and ultimately save lives.

Donate Life Indiana

Leave the legacy of life

Join more than 4.2 million Hoosiers who have registered to become organ and tissue donors and ultimately save lives.

Why should I sign up?

More than 1,000 Hoosiers are among more than 100,000 Americans waiting for lifesaving organ transplants. In the U.S., another person is added to the transplant waiting list every nine minutes. Each day, 16 people die because a donated organ wasn’t available in time. As a registered donor, you can be the reason a life is saved, a debilitating injury is healed and eyesight is restored.


You can save eight lives through organ donation and heal 75 lives through tissue donation.

17 people die each day waiting for an organ.

Every eight minutes, another person is added to the transplant waiting list.

Anyone can register as a donor. Don’t rule yourself out due to age or medical conditions.

Help end the wait.

The generosity of Hoosier donors and their families can impact the lives of thousands in need.
Be a hero. Save a life. Sign up to be a donor today.

Stories of Hope

Dawn Arch

Organ recipient

“I’m grateful for the chance to live a longer, healthier life. I’m so blessed, and I take nothing for granted.”


William Lewis

Husband of donor hero

“There are so many in the black community in need of organ donations, but not many of us agree to donate,” William says. “After discussing and praying about it, we decided, ‘let’s just do this, and then if something happens, we’ll be able to help people.'”


Faith McKinney

Tissue recipient and living donor

“Leaving the world a better place is always my goal, and I think it’s a goal that others share. Being an organ donor or designating yourself as an organ donor is one way to do that.” 


Blue wants you to say “yes” to organ donation.