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Deceased donation

Deceased donation is the process of giving an organ or part of an organ, tissue and corneas at the time of a donor’s death for transplantation to another person. By registering to be a donor, you can give life to others. Unless under the age of 18, your family cannot override your decision.

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Living donation

Living donation offers another choice for transplant candidates and saves two lives – the life of the recipient and the patient behind him or her who moves up on the transplant waiting list. A living donation of a kidney or partial liver can save lives in a shorter period of waiting time, often less than a year.

Whole Body
Donation Program

Indiana University School of Medicine provides whole body donation services to those who wish to donate their body for the purpose of education through the Anatomical Education Program.

For more information, email or click “Learn More” below.

Interested in living donation?

Contact the transplant center, listed below, that is closest to you.