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Why sign up to be a donor?
Over 1,000 Hoosiers and more than 100,000 people nationwide are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants. In the U.S., another person is added to the national transplant waiting list every 9 minutes. Each day, 16 people die because a donated organ wasn’t available in time.
Donation is a rare and incredible gift. The medical condition of a potential donor at time of death determines if donation is possible and what organs and tissues can be donated. Fewer than 1% of people are medically eligible to become organ donors.
One donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation and enhance the lives of more than 75 people through tissue donation.
Blue wants you to say “yes” to organ donation
There are nearly enough people who are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants to fill Lucas Oil Stadium one and a half times.
In the time it takes to watch a Colts game, about 18 people are added to the national transplant waiting list.
Signing up as a donor hero is easy and can be completed during a 30-second Colts timeout.